Profile Picturezach

ac1 starter ac

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my mental health suffered to get you guys this nice clean rip of the starter ac from the original armored core. i am not allowed to put a price on this since its from armored core so please dont spend money on this, i suffered to get you this model for free i dont need the money, i just need to know if you guys enjoyed it.

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so what can this guy do? every moving part on it is rigged, the ac is alled boned up, booseter and back units have their own bones too. there are no shape keys so no parts of the mesh can be moved, if you want to ad shape keys to make the core gun to move sure go ahead. there are the basic accessories like radar missiles and rifle, unfortuanatly i could not get the models of the effects like booster fire, and blade. BUT i did peak through ac's files and snagged the blade, booster fire, and muzzle flash textures for you guys. yes i know its kinda rude forcing you guys to make the models for the effects you want but please realize i went through so many cans of redbull and a lot of mental brain rot to get you guys a nice pretty ac model for free. the armature is very basic only having iks for the feet, i didnt do the crazy custom auto rigger pro skeleton that you always see since 1, its not needed and 2 i think default bones are perfectly fine and much easier to read when posing.

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ac1 starter ac

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