Profile Picturezach

whiteglint (advanced rig)

4 ratings

thank you to ARKS_Sadinian on discord for doing this rig.

ok so this is a semi re release of the whiteglint i gave you guys last time except this time ARKS_Sadinian on discord re rigged him to be extra high quality, and i dont say that lightly. the overboost is fully rigged, the rectifiers are rigged AND this crazy mf made iks for the all the pistons found over the model. some major differences from this and the one i rigged is that that feet are rigged differently, the feet have an actual "foot" in this while the one i rigged only the toe and heels move. another difference is the shoulders in ARK's rig they can fold in like in the opening of acfa, while mine dont, the shoulder only move at the socket . my rig is supposed to be as close to the original rig seen in game as possible, so no proper foot, no fold in shoulder, its all based of the original rig that got ripped, ARK's rig is closer to what is seen in for answer's intro so it ignores some of the quirks that the original in game rig had.

i am not going to remove my rigged whiteglint since i want you guys to experience the orginal in game rig.

THIS MODEL WAS MADE IN BLENDER 3.4.1 so there might be some things that might not work in older versions of blender. for instance, the colors may not work in older versions of blender because of its mix node. if you are using and older version of blender and there are red high lighted nodes have it set up like the link below.

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super in-depth advanced rig

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whiteglint (advanced rig)

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